1. Nicholas Kozel, Robert DuPont, and B. Brown, “Narcotics and Crime: A Study of Narcotic Involvement in an Offender Population,” International Journal of the Addictions 7: 3 (1972), 443–450. The data published in this chapter had earlier been made available to officials of the District of Columbia and the U.S. federal government in internal reports.
2. Robert Steele and Morgan Murphy (Members of Congress), The World Heroin Problem: Report of Special Study Mission, House Committee on Foreign Relations, 1971.
3. Daniel Baum, Smoke and Mirrors (Boston, Little Brown and Company, 1996), 10–11.
4. Peter G. Bourne, Methadone: Benefits and Shortcomings (Washington, D.C., Drug Abuse Council, 1975).
5. Michael Massing, The Fix (New York, Simon and Schuster, 1998).