1. For more detailed studies on the Palestinians, see, e.g., Yezid Sayigh, “Palestinian Military Performance in the 1982 War,” Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Summer 1983), pp. 3–24.
2. Ghassan Tueni, Une Guerre pour les Autres (Paris: Editions Lattès, 1985).
3. For a good study from this vantage point, see Farid El-Khazen, The Breakdown of the State in Lebanon 1967–1976 (London: I. B. Tauris, 2000).
4. See the various anecdotes in Yussef Bazzi’s Yasser Arafat Looked at Me and Smiled (Diary of a Fighter) (Beirut: Dar el-Kotob, 2005).
5. Lawrence L. Whetten, “The Military Dimension,” in P. Edward Haley and Lewis W. Snider (eds.), Lebanon in Crisis: Participants and Issues (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1979), p. 88.