1. Graham Harrison, “Mozambique: An Unsustainable Democracy,” Review of African Political Economy 61 (1994): 429–40, 431;
2. Alcinda Honwana, Child Soldiers in Africa (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006);
3. Negotiating Post-War Identities: Child Soldiers in Mozambique,“ in Contested Terrains and Constructed Categories: Contemporary Africa in Focus, ed. George Clement Bond and Nigel C. Gibson (Boulder, CO: Westview, 2002): 277–98.
4. Michelle Barron, “When the Soldiers Come Home: A Gender Analysis of the Reintegration of Demobilized Soldiers, Mozambique 1994–1996” (MA thesis, University of East Anglia, 1996).
5. Hans Abrahamsson and Anders Nilsson, Mozambique: The Troubled Transition from Socialist Construction to Free Market Capitalism (London: Zed Books, 1995), 190;