1. P. Selznick, The Organizational Weapon (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1952).
2. A brief description is found in D. Close, Nicaragua: Politics, Economics and Society. London: Frances Pinter Publishers, 1988.
3. There are discussions of the proliferation of these “vanity parties” in D. Close, Nicaragua: The Chamorro Years (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999).
4. This section draws on D. Close and K. Deonandan, eds., Undoing Democracy: The Politics of Electoral Caudillismo (Lanham, MD; Lexington Books, 2005), which offers an extensive analysis of the Alemán administration.
5. D. Dye, Democracy Adrift: Caudillo Politics in Nicaragua (Brookline, MA: Hemisphere Initiatives, 2004)