1. “The Position of the UK in World Affairs,” Cabinet Report, 9 June 1958, CAB 130/153, GEN 624/10.
2. Ministry of Defence, Defence: Outline of Future Policy, Cmnd. 124 (1957).
3. For more on the white paper of 1957, see Harold Macmillan, Riding the Storm, 1956-1959 (London: Macmillan, 1971), pp. 263-68
4. Simon J. Ball, "Harold Macmillan and the Politics of Defence: The Market for Strategic Ideas during the Sandys Era Revisited," Twentieth Century British History 6, no. 1(1995): 78-100
5. C. J. Bartlett, The Long Retreat: A Short History of British Defence Policy, 1945-70 (London: Macmillan, 1972), pp. 129-44