1. Driving Principled Performance™ is a concept developed by the OCEG community of practice, which is a grassroots organisation comprised of over 10,000 professionals from the governance, risk management, compliance, ethics, internal audit, accounting, consulting and various other disciplines. OCEG provides a hub around which these disciplines can collaborate to help organisations drive toward objectives while addressing uncertainty, protecting value and staying within defi ned boundaries of conduct. OCEG® Principled Performance®, Driving Principled Performance®, Drive Principled Performance®, The Fastest Cars have the Best Brakes® and GRC360® are registered trademarks of OCEG..
2. OCEG's 2007 GRC Strategy Survey studied over 250 organisations of all sizes to better understand how these organisations think about and integrate GRC processes. It can be found at
3. See Michel Rasmussen's research at
4. OCEG's 2007 GRC Strategy Survey studied over 250 organisations of all sizes to better understand how these organisations think about and integrate GRC processes. It can be found at
5. The initial version of the GRC360 Framework was called the OCEG Foundation for Integrated Governance, Risk Management and Compliance more commonly referred to as the OCEG ‘Red Book.’ These success patterns are based on this initial version. This paper, however, embodies improvements made to the framework based on lessons learned by these early implementers.