1798: Bicentennial Verdict


Andrews Stuart


Palgrave Macmillan UK

Reference62 articles.

1. Cornwallis to Portland 28 June 1798 in K. Whelan, The Tree of Liberty: radicalism, Catholicism and the construction of Irish identity, 1760–1830 (Cork: Cork University Press, 1996) p. 148.

2. For the English context of AJR and its antijacobin campaign see S. Andrews, Unitarian Radicalism: political rhetoric 1770–1814 (Palgrave, 2003) Chapters 14 and 15, and The British periodical press and the French revolution, 1789–99 (Palgrave, 2000).

3. D. Dickson, in R. Musgrave, Memoirs of the different rebellions in Ireland from the arrival of the English and a particular detail of that which broke out on the XXIIID of May MDCCXCVIII, with the history of the conspiracy which preceded it, and the characters of the principal actors in it 4th edn [reprint of 3rd edn] (Fort Wayne, Indiana: Round Tower Books, 1995) pp. ii–xi.

4. On the imbalance of Musgrave’s account see also K. Whelan, Tree of Liberty p. 138 and J. Smyth, ‘Anti-Catholicism, conservatism and conspiracy: Sir Richard Musgrave’s Memoirs of the Different Rebellions in Ireland’ in Eighteenth-Century Life 22 (Nov. 1998).

5. For the theology and polity of Irish Presbyterianism, see T. Witherow, Historical and literary memorials of Presbyterianism in Ireland (London and Belfast, 1880).

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