Tribes and Territory: Contestation around Curriculum in South Africa


Hoadley Ursula


Palgrave Macmillan US

Reference135 articles.

1. Adler, Jill, and Zane Davis. 2006. “Opening Another Black Box: Researching Mathematics for Teaching in Mathematics Teacher Education.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 37 (4): 270–296.

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3. Allais, Stephanie M. 2006. “Problems with Qualification Reform in Senior Secondary Education in South Africa.” In Knowledge, Curriculum and Qualifications for South African Further Education, ed. M. Young and J. Gamble. Cape Town: HSRC Press.

4. Allais, Stephanie M. 2007. “The Rise and Fall of the NQF: A Critical Analysis of the South African National Qualifications Framework.” PhD Thesis. University of the Witwatersrand.

5. Allais, Stephanie M., and Taylor, N. 2007. “A Nation in Denial.” Paper presented at the Kenton Education Conference. Phumula, KZN.

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