1. David Nicholas, The Metamorphosis of a Medieval City: Ghent in the Age of the Arteveldes, 1302–1390 (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1987), 123.
2. David Herlihy, Medieval Households (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1985), pp. 136–8.
3. A. E. Gheldolf, A. Du Bois, and L. De Hondt, ed., Coutume de la ville de Gand, 2 vols., Coutumes des pays et comté du Flandre. Quartier de Gand, Commission royale pour la publication des anciennes lois et ordonnances de la Belgique (Brussels: G. Gobbaerts, 1868–1887) [hereafter: Coutume Gand].
4. E. M. Meijers, Het Ligurische Erfrecht in de Nederlanden, 3 vols. (Haarlem: H. D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon, 1936);
5. Martha C. Howell, The Marriage Exchange: Property, Social Place, and Gender in Cities oj the Low Countries, 1300–1550 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), pp. 27–34, 197–211;