1. Jamie Monson, Africa’s Freedom Railway: How a Chinese Development Project Changed Lives and Livelihood in Tanzania (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2009).
2. Gail A. Eadie and Denise M. Grizzell, “China’s Foreign Aid, 1975–1978,” China Quarterly 77 (March 1979): 217–234.
3. James Ferguson, Expectations of Modernity: Myths and Meanings of Urban Life on the Zambian Copperbelt (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999), 6.
4. Alastair Fraser and John Lungu, For Whom the Windfalls? Winners and Losers in the Privatisation of Zambia’s Copper Mines (Lusaka, Zambia: CSTNZ, 2006).
5. John Loxley and John S. Saul, “Multinationals, Workers and the Parastatals in Tanzania,” Review of African Political Economy 2, 2 (1975): 54–88.