1. Winter, Dreams of Peace and Freedom: Utopian Moments in the Twentieth Century (London: Yale University Press, 2006), 11.
2. This sense of foreboding found literary expression in a genre of fiction imaging future wars: I. F. Clarke, Voices Prophesizing War: Future Wars, 1763–3749, 2nd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992)
3. Charles Gannon, Rumors of War and Infernal Machines: Technomilitary Agenda-Setting in American and British Speculative Fiction (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2005)
4. I. F. Clarke, ed., The Tale of the Next Great War, 1871–1914: Fictions of Future Warfare and of Battles Still-to-Come (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1995).
5. Hobson, Imperialism: A Study (London: James Nisbet, 1902)