1. African Union, Sirte Declaration (Sine, Libya, September 9, 1999), para 6.
2. African Union, Constitutive Act of the African Union (Lomé, Togo, July 11, 2000), 3.
3. Ulf Engel and João Gomes Porto, “Africa’s New Peace and Security Architecture: An Introduction,” in Africa’s New Peace and Security Architecture: Promoting Norms, Institutionalizing Solutions, ed. Ulf Engel and João Gomes Porto (Surrey: Ashgate, April 2010), 5.
4. African Union, Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union, adopted by the First Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union in Durban, South Africa on July 9, 2002.
5. For a detailed review of the PSC’s functioning and activities during its first five years in existence, see Tim Murithi, Jamila El Abdellaoui, and Hallelujah Lulie, eds. The AU Peace and Security Council: A Five Year Appraisal (2004–2009) (Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 2010).