1. Tom Liesegang, “Perforating Saint,” Fallen Angels Digest, 7 November 2007, http://www.fadmag.com/items/athey/athey.html (12 July 2008).
2. Nigel Spivey, Enduring Creation: Art, Pain, and Fortitude (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001), 92–94.
3. Louise Marshall, “Manipulating the Sacred: Image and Plague in Renaissance Italy,” Renaissance Quarterly 47.3 (1994): 496.
4. Sheila Barker, “The Making of a Plague Saint: Saint Sebastian’s Imagery and Cult before the Counter-Reformation,” in Piety and Plague: From Byzantium to the Baroque, ed. Franco Mormando and Thomas Worcester (Kirksville, Mo.: Truman State University Press, 2007), 93–95.
5. Patrick Vandermeersch, La Chair de la Passion: Une Histoire de Foi: La Flagellation (Paris: Le Cerf, 2002), 81–89.