1. B{ibliothèque} N{ationale de} F{rance} MS français 17,830 fol. 86, Elizabeth I to Henri IV, July 1593. An English translation from a copy of the letter in the Cecil Papers has been published in Elizabeth I: Collected Works, ed. L. Marcus, J. Meuller and M. B. Rose (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000), 370–1.
2. J. Richards, Mary Tudor (London: Routledge, 2008), 203–22;
3. R. Titler, The Reign of Mary I (Harlow: Longman, 1991), 58–68;
4. G. Redworth, “Matters Impertinent to Women: Male and Female Monarchy under Philip and Mary,” EHR 112 (1997): 597–613.
5. B.J. Harris, “Women and Politics in Early Tudor England,” HJ 33 (1990): 259–81;