1. In October 2008, New Zealand offered a temporary deposit guarantee for all New Zealand deposit-taking institutions in response to a perceived difficulty faced by some financial institutions in attracting funds. Before this guarantee, New Zealand depositors were without deposit insurance and no explicit guarantees were offered by the government.
2. See RBNZ Staff. (2009) Banking system oversight. Reserve Bank of New Zealand, http://www.rbnz.govt.nz/finstab/banking/ , accessed 15 May 2009.
3. See Brash, D.T. (2001) Promoting financial stability: The New Zealand approach. Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin 64 (2): 44–49.
4. See http://www.rbnz.govt.nz/nzbanks/3359149.html for a brief overview of the disclosure regime.
5. See Benston, G. and Kaufman, G. (1996) The appropriate role of bank regulation. Economic Journal 106 (436): 688–697.