1. Resolution 94/1998 (28 December) OGY határozat (Resolution of the National Assembly), in F. Gazdag (ed.), Magyar biztonság- és védelempolitikai dokumentumok 1989–1998 (Hungarian security- and defence policy documents 1989–1998), Vol. 1 (Budapest: SVKI, 1998), 53–7.
2. For details of the early phase of the reform, see P. Dunay, ‘Hungary’, in H. Giessmann and G. Gustenau (eds), Security Handbook 2001 (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2001), 255–62, and
3. J. Simon, ‘Hungary: Exorcising Trianon Ghosts’, in U. Markus and D. Nelson (eds), Brassey’s Eurasian and European Security Yearbook 2000 (Washington, DC: Brassey’s, 2000), 67–70.
4. Defence Studies No. 41;F Gazdag,2000