1. A term used by Jonathan Lee, “Kennedy, Johnson, and the Dilemma of Multinational Corporations: American Foreign Economic Policy in the 1960s,” Essays in Economic and Business History 14 (1996).
2. Robert Solomon, The International Monetary System, 1945–1981 (New York, 1982), 54.
3. Lee, “Kennedy, Johnson, and the Dilemma of Multinational Corporations: American Foreign Economic Policy in the 1960s,” Essays in Economic and Business History 14 (1996), 322.
4. Note, Olivier Wormser, 30 May 1961, Baumgartner papers, box 3BA48, folder DR 2, cited in Francis Gavin and Mahan, “Hegemony or Vulnerability? Giscard, Ball, and the Gold Standstill,” Journal of European Integration History, 6 (December 2000), 61–84. For a summary of this reasoning, see René Larre (le conseiller financier près l’ambassade de France aux États-Unis) to Baumgartner, 28 September 1961, Fonds Trésor: Vol. 15, Relations bilaterales avec les États-Unis, côte B10917, dossier: balance des paiements, MEFI.
5. André de Lattre, Servir aux finances (Paris, 1999), 150, cited in Gavin and Mahan, “Hegemony or Vulnerability?”.