1. Aglietta, Michel (1976), A Theory of Capitalist Regulation: The US Experience (Eng. trans. 1979) (London: New Left Books).
2. Arthur, Chris (1993), Hegel’s Logic and Marx’s Capital, in Fred Moseley (ed.) (1993): 63–87.
3. — (1999), Napoleoni on labour and exploitation, in Riccardo Bellofiore and Mario Baldassarri (eds) (1999): 141–63.
4. Bellofiore, Riccardo (1985a), Marx after Schumpeter. Capital and Class, 24: 60–74.
5. — (1985b), Money and development in Schumpeter, Review of Radical Political Economics, 1–2: 21–40. Also in John Cunningham Wood (ed.) Joseph Alois Schumpeter: Critical Assessments, Vol. IV (London: Routledge, 1991): 371–94.