1. One small exception is Moorhead Wright, Ieuan John, and John Garnett, “International Politics at Aberystwyth, 1919–1969,” in Brian Porter (ed.), The Aberystwyth Papers (London, 1972), 94–95, which notes Woolf’s response.
2. As expertly analyzed by Charles Jones, E. H. Carr and International Relations: A Duty to Lie (Cambridge, 1998), 46–65.
3. See Peter Wilson, “Carr and his Early Critics: Responses to The Twenty Years’ Crisis,” in Michael Cox (ed.), E. H. Carr: A Critical Appraisal (London, 2000).
4. Morgenthau, “The Political Science of E. H. Carr,” World Politics, 1,1 (1948–1949).
5. Carr, Twenty Years’ Crisis, 21–22.