1. ‘But unemployment does not only produce cowards, it also makes rebels. Fierce and unthinking rebels, wandering from town to town, pillaging where they can, living by their wits and only awaiting a riot to launch themselves against the class that makes them suffer.’ A. Marpaux, Le Chômage (Dijon: Imprimerie de Carré, 1892), p. 2.
2. Recent books on the movement of the unemployed include: D. Demazière and M. Pignoni, 1998, op. cit. (chapter 2, note 64); M. A. Combesque, Ça suffit! Histoire du mouvement des chômeurs (Paris: Plon, 1998)
3. S. Maurer, Les Chômeurs en action (décembre 1997-mars 1998). Mobilisation collective et ressources compensatoires (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001).
4. Former activists have also published accounts of the movement, such as R. Dethyre and M. Zédiri-Corniou, La Révolte des chômeurs (Paris: Laffont, 1992).
5. E. Lecerf, La Famine des temps modernes. Essai sur le chômeur (Paris: L’Harmattan, 1992).