1. G.A. Williams, Medieval London from Commune to Capital (London, 1963 ), p. 239.
2. J. Larner, The Lords of Romagna. Romagnol Society and the Origins of the Signoria (London, 1965 ), p. 45.
3. Romuald of Salerno Chronicon, trans. G.A. Loud and T. Wiedemann, in The History of the Tyrants of Sicily by ‘Hugo Falcandus’ (Manchester, 1998 ), p. 242.
4. M. Prestwich, Edward I (London, 1988 ), p. 289; Jones, Italian City State, p. 378;
5. J. Strayer, The Reign of Philip the Fair (Princeton, NJ, 1980 ), p. 232.