From One Mask to Another: The Trials and Tribulations of an Author of Romance at the Time of Perceforest


Berthelot Anne


Palgrave Macmillan US

Reference24 articles.

1. See Baudouin Butor, Le Roman des fils du roi Constant, ed. Lewis Thorpe, in Notthingham Medieval Studies, 12 (1968): 3–20, 13 (1969): 49–64, 14 (1970): 41–63.

2. Since its edition by L. Thorpe and its partial reworking by L.-F. Flûtre in his article “Le roman de Pandragus et Libanor par Baudouin Butor,” Romania 94 (1973) : 57–90, the Roman des fils du roi Constant has not attracted very much attention;

3. it is mentioned, though erroneously, by Gerard Sonnemans, “Het lineaire schrijfproces bij middeleeuwse teksten,” Nederlandse Letterkunde, 5 (2001): 323–332. I myself gave a talk about it in 2001 at the International Medieval Congress of Kalamazoo: “A Marginal Lext: the Four Drafts of the Roman des fils du roi Constant by Baudouin Butor” (May 3–6, 2001). I hope to produce a new edition of this text sometime in the not-too-distant future.

4. Roussineau’s edition, a work in progress, already includes several volumes which present the text of the second, third, and fourth parts. To read the Perceforest, one has to use the following editions: Perceforest, première partie., ed. Jane Laylor (Geneva: Droz, 1979);

5. Perceforest, deuxième partie, ed. Gilles Roussineau, 2 vols. (Geneva: Droz, 1999–2001);

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