1. See Baudouin Butor, Le Roman des fils du roi Constant, ed. Lewis Thorpe, in Notthingham Medieval Studies, 12 (1968): 3–20, 13 (1969): 49–64, 14 (1970): 41–63.
2. Since its edition by L. Thorpe and its partial reworking by L.-F. Flûtre in his article “Le roman de Pandragus et Libanor par Baudouin Butor,” Romania 94 (1973) : 57–90, the Roman des fils du roi Constant has not attracted very much attention;
3. it is mentioned, though erroneously, by Gerard Sonnemans, “Het lineaire schrijfproces bij middeleeuwse teksten,” Nederlandse Letterkunde, 5 (2001): 323–332. I myself gave a talk about it in 2001 at the International Medieval Congress of Kalamazoo: “A Marginal Lext: the Four Drafts of the Roman des fils du roi Constant by Baudouin Butor” (May 3–6, 2001). I hope to produce a new edition of this text sometime in the not-too-distant future.
4. Roussineau’s edition, a work in progress, already includes several volumes which present the text of the second, third, and fourth parts. To read the Perceforest, one has to use the following editions: Perceforest, première partie., ed. Jane Laylor (Geneva: Droz, 1979);
5. Perceforest, deuxième partie, ed. Gilles Roussineau, 2 vols. (Geneva: Droz, 1999–2001);