1. ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) (2014) About ASH, http://www.ash.org.uk/about-ash , accessed 22 April 2014.
2. AHA UK (Alcohol Health Alliance UK ) (2013) About AHA UK, website page last updated 9 October 2013 http://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/projects/alcohol-health-alliance-uk ), accessed 22 April 2014.
3. AMS (2004a) Calling Time: The Nation’s Drinking as a Major Health Issue. London: Academy of Medical Sciences.
4. AMS (2004b) Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit Report on Alcohol Misuse, Press release from academy of medical sciences, published 15 March 2004.
5. Arnott, D. (2012) Lessons from 50 years of tobacco control in the UK. In RCP/UKCTCS. Fifty Years Since Smoking and Health: Progress, Lessons and Priorities for a Smoke Free UK. London: RCP.