The Evolution of Decision-Making in the British Labour Party: From Grassroots to Netroots?


Avril Emmanuelle


Palgrave Macmillan UK

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Cited by 5 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Digital Intra-Party Democracy: An Exploratory Analysis of Podemos and the Labour Party;Parliamentary Affairs;2021-06-21

2. Paradoxes of the Cyber Party: The Changing Organizational Design of the British Labour Party;Second International Handbook of Internet Research;2019-10-10

3. Paradoxes of the Cyber Party: The Changing Organizational Design of the British Labour Party;Second International Handbook of Internet Research;2018

4. ‘Wilful Blindness’: Effects and Perceptions of New Labour’s Party Management;Political Studies Review;2016-05

5. Bibliographie sélective;Les partis politiques en Grande-Bretagne;2013-08-01







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