1. Cited from Werner Schmidt, Journal des Luxus und der Moden (Leipzig, 1969), 1:72–84.
2. Karin Wurst, “Fashioning a Nation: Fashion and National Costume in Bertuch’s Journal des Luxus und der Moden,” German Studies Review 28.2 (2005), 372.
3. Michael Zakim, “Sartorial Ideologies: from Homespun to Ready-Made,” American Historical Review 106.1 (December, 2001), 1567, 1572.
4. Philip Mansel, “Monarchy, Uniform and the Rise of the Frac, 1760–1830,” Past and Present 96 (August, 1982), 103–32.
5. Louis-Sébastien Mercier, Costumes des Moeurs et de l’esprit François avant la grande revolution (Lyon, Berne, 1791), frontispiece; Caroline Weber, Queen of Fashion: What Marie-Antoinette Wore to the Revolution (New York, 2006), 209–11.