1. Adorno, Theodor W. and Walter Benjamin. The Complete Correspondence, 1928–1940. Trans. Nicholas Walker, ed. Henri Lonitz. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1999.
2. Belsey, Catherine. Critical Practice. London: Methuen, 1980.
3. Benjamin, Walter. Illuminations. Trans. Harry Zohn, ed. Hannah Arendt. London: Fontana, 1992.
4. Daymond, Margaret J. ‘Complementary Oral and Written Narrative Conventions: Sindiwe Magona’s Autobiography and Short Story Sequence.’ Journal of Southern African Studies 28.2 (2002): 331–46.
5. Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari. Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature. Trans. Dana Polan. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986.