1. Compare the following two anonymous articles: 'Oestradiol benzoate therapy in depressions at menopause', The Lancet, 229 (1937), 320-2
2. 'Treatment of the menopause', The Lancet, 238 (1941), 705-6.
3. See Claire Hilton, ‘The origins of old age psychiatry in Britain in the 1940s’, History of Psychiatry, 16 (2005), 267–89.
4. Helene Deutsch, The Psychology of Women: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation, 2 vols (New York: Grune and Statton, 1944–5). Although Deutsch was an Austrian-American colleague of Freud who had previously published the first book by an analyst on female psychology — Psychoanalyse der weiblichen Sexualfunctionen (Vienna: Internat. Psychoanl. Verlag, 1925, translated as Psychoanalysis of the Sexual Functions of Women) — she is best known for the 1944–5 work, which was used as a textbook for training analysts.
5. See Brenda Webster, ‘Helene Deutsch: a new look’, Signs, 10 (1985), 553–71, for a more detailed discussion of these revisions.