1. H. Lenskyj, Out of Bounds: Women, Sport and Sexuality (Toronto: Women’s Press, 1986).
2. V. Paraschak, Review of H. Lenskyj, Out of Bounds, Sport History Review 19:1 (1988), 85–8.
3. See, for example, M. Warner, Fear of a Queer Planet, Social Text 29 (1991), 3–17.
4. M. McDonald, Beyond the Pale: The Whiteness of Sport Studies and Queer Scholarship, in J. Hargreaves, Ed., Sport, Sexualities and Queer Theory (London: Routledge, 2006), 33–45
5. P. Griffin, Strong Women, Deep Closets (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1998)