1. Nathalie Blondel, Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life (New York: McPherson, 1998), p.113.
2. Mary Butts, The Crystal Cabinet: My Childhood at Salterns (Manchester: Carcanet, 1988), p.20.
3. Mary Butts to Glenway Westcott, 1923, cited in Patrick Wright, The Village that Died for England, 2nd edn (London: Faber and Faber, 2002), p.439 n.10.
4. Mary Butts, ‘Warning to Hikers’, in Ashe of Rings and Other Writings (New York: McPherson, 1998), pp.267–295 (pp.271–272). (first pub. London: Wishart & Co., 1932).
5. Mary Butts, ‘Bloomsbury’, Modernism/Modernity, 5 (1998), 32–45 (p.39).