1. J. Hobson, The State and International Relations (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000) 28.
2. N. Whitney, ‘Reenergising Europe’s Security and Defence Policy’ (2008) London: European Council on Foreign Relations Policy Paper 5–6.
3. See G. Faleg and A. Giovannini, ‘The EU between Pooling & Sharing and Smart Defence: Making a Virtue of necessity?’ (CEPS Special Report, May 2012) <
> accessed 24 June 2012.
4. T. Imlay and M. Toft, The Fog of Peace and War Planning: Military and Strategic Planning under Uncertainty (Abingdon: Routledge, 2006) 253–254.
5. See, for example, E. Kirchner and R. Dominguez (eds), Regional Organisations and Security Governance (Abingdon: Routledge, 2011).