1. David Collier and Steven Levitsky, ‘Democracy with Adjectives: Conceptual Innovation in Comparative Research’, World Politics, 49:3 (1997): pp. 430–451.
2. Robert Conquest, ‘In Defense of Kremlinology’, in Walter Laquer (ed.), The State of Soviet Studies, Cambridge Massachusetts: The M.I.T. Press 1965, pp. 124–134.
3. Arnold L. Horelick, A. Ross and John D. Steinbruner, The Study of Soviet Foreign Policy: Decision-Theory-Related Approaches, London: Sage Publications 1975.
4. Carl Friedrich and Zbigniev Brzezinsky, Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1956.
5. Daniel Bell, ‘Ten Theories in Search of Reality: The Prediction of Soviet Behavior’, in Vernon V. Aspaturian (ed.), Process and Power in Soviet Foreign Policy, Boston: Little, Brown and Company 1971, pp. 289–323 (Reprinted from World Politics, April 1958).