1. R. W. Hays 1968 ‘Welsh students at Oxford and Cambridge in the Middle Ages’, Welsh History Review iv, 334.
2. T. H. Aston 1977 ‘Oxford’s medieval alumni’, Past and Present, 74: 1, 23.
3. V. H. H. Green 1974 A history of Oxford University, London, 15; J. R. H. Moorman 1947 ‘The foreign element among the English Franciscans’, English Historical Review, 62: 244, 293.
4. L. Stone 1964 ‘The educational revolution in England, 1560–1640’, Past and Present, 28, 73.
5. W. D. Robson-Scott 1953 German travellers in England 1400–1800, Oxford, 14, 48, 53–4.