1. Merritt, R.L. (1976) “American Influences in the Occupation of Germany”, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 428, pp. 91–103
2. Scalapino, R. (1976) “The American Occupation of Japan, Perspectives After Three Decades”, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 428, pp. 104–113.
3. These were the Popular Liberation Forces, the Popular Revolutionary Army, the Communist Party’s Armed Forces of Liberation, the National Resistance and the Workers’ Revolutionary Party; Call, Charles T. (2002) “Assessing El Salvador’s Transition from Civil War to Peace” in Stedman, S.J. et al. (eds), Ending Civil Wars, The Implementation of Peace Agreements (London: Lynne Reiner Publishers).
4. LeoGrande, W.M. (1981) “A Splendid Little War, Drawing the Line in El Salvador”, International Security, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 27–52.
5. Stedman et al. (2002) Ending Civil Wars, The Implementation of Peace Agreements (London: Lynne Reiner Publishers).