1. Massimo Mastrogregori, ‘Il Genio dello storico: gli scritti teorici di Marc Bloch a Strasburgo’, RSI, 99 (1987): 51–80, 74.
2. Max Weber, From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, edited and translated by Hans Heinrich Gerth and Charles Wright Mills (London, 1948; originally published in German in 1919), 155.
3. DiVanna, Writing History, 239; Bonnie G. Smith, The Gender of History: Men, Women, and Historical Practice (Cambridge, MA, 1998), 71–83; Novick, Noble Dream, 40–6.
4. Pillias to Rolland, 30 Jan. 1939, Pillias MSS 1EP Dr15; Pillias, unpublished transcript, interview with Maurras and Massis, 17 May 1939, 4EP Dr6.
5. Scholars disagree about the méthodique label. For a selection of views, see: William R. Keylor, Academy and Community: The Foundation of the French Historical Profession (Cambridge, MA, 1975), 68–74, 172–3; Guy Bourdé, ‘L’École méthodique’, in Guy Bourdé and Hervé Martin, eds, Les Écoles historiques (Paris, 1983), 181–214; Charles-Olivier Carbonell, Histoire et historiens: Une Mutation idéologique des historiens français, 1865– 1885 (Toulouse, 1976), 409–18; Antoine Prost, Douze Leçons sur l’histoire (Paris, 1996), 93; Patrick Garcia, ‘Le Moment méthodique’, in Delacroix, Dosse, and Garcia, eds, Les Courants historiques, 96–199, 172–6; DiVanna, Writing History, 1–8.