1. G. Bachelard (1964) The Poetics of Space (Boston: Beacon Press).
2. J. Bennett (2001) The Enchantment of Modern Life: Attachments, Crossings and Ethics (Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press).
3. I. Biggs (2004) Between Carterhaugh and Tamshiel Rig: A Borderline Episode (Bristol: Wild Conversations Press for TRACE).
4. I. Biggs (2010a) ‘Essaying Place: Landscape, Music, and Memory (after Janet Wolff)’ in A. Johns-Putra & C. Brace (eds) Process: Landscape and Text (Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi).
5. I. Biggs (2010b) ‘The Southdean Project — Testimonial Imagination, Borders Ballads, and the Politics of (Dis-) Enchantment’ in M. Miles & V. Azatyan (eds) Cultural Memory: Reformations of the Past in the Present and Present in the Past (Plymouth: University of Plymouth Press).