1. V. Berridge, AIDS in the UK. The Making of Policy, 1981–1994 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996), pp. 92–96.
2. UK Health Departments, Drug Misuse and Dependence. Guidelines on Clinical Management (London: The Stationery Office, 1999).
3. Department of Health, ‘Government to improve care for drug-misusers — New Guidelines for Doctors’, Press release reference 1999/0220 (12th April 1999),
4. Department of Health, ‘Paper CGWG(97)42 Recommendations to accompany clinical guidelines’ (October 1997), Private archive.
5. M. Davies Memo to K. Jarvie, ‘Drug Misuse Clinical Guidelines — Leak of Working Papers’ (1st July 1998), File 16/DRU 323/22 Vol 1, Department of Health Archive, Nelson, Lancashire.