1. For a detailed comparison of corruption across the western world, see the individual chapters in M.J. Bull and J. Newell (eds) (2003) Corruption in Contemporary Politics (Basingstoke: Palgrave).
2. For analysis of Britain in the 1990s see F.F. Ridley and A. Doig (eds) (1995), Sleaze: Politicians, Private Interests and Public Reaction (Oxford: OUP).
3. For the specifics of Back to Basics see A. Doig (2001), ‘Sleaze: Picking up the threads or “back to basics” scandals’, Parliamentary Affairs, 54: 260–275.
4. For more on the Flick Affair, see C. Landfried (1994), Parteifinanzen und politische Macht (Baden-Baden: Nomos).
5. For the British case see H. Tumber (2004), ‘Scandal and media in the United Kingdom: From Major to Blair’, American Behavioural Scientist; 47 (8): 1122–1137.