1. V. Berridge, Opium and the People. Opiate Use and Drug Control Policy in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century England (first published 1981, London: Allen Lane; this edition London: Free Association Books, 1999).
2. Departmental Committee on Morphine and Heroin Addiction, Report [Rolleston Report] (London: HMSO, 1926), pp. 6–7.
3. D. Musto, The American Disease. Origins of Narcotic Control (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, third edition, first edition 1973), pp. 121–150.
4. R. Lewis, ‘Flexible hierarchies and dynamic disorder — the trading and distribution of illicit heroin in Britain and Europe, 1970–90’, in J. Strang and M. Gossop (eds.), Heroin Addiction and Drug Policy: The British System (Oxford, New York, Tokyo: Oxford University Press, 1994), pp. 42–54.
5. See J. Merrill, ‘Dexamphetamine substitution as a treatment for amphetamine dependence’, The First National Conference on Stimulants, Manchester Metropolitan University, 18 September 1998.