1. Shai Feldman, “Middle East Nuclear Stability: The State of the Region and the State of the Debate,” Journal of International Affairs 49, no.1 (Summer 1995), 205–230
2. Steve Weissman and Herbert Krosney, The Islamic Bomb: The Nuclear Threat to Israel and the Middle East (New York: Times Books, 1981), 65.
3. Barbara Gregory, “Egypt’s Nuclear Program: Assessing Supplier-Based and Other Developmental Constraints,” Nonproliferation Review 3, no. 1 (Fall 1995), 20–27
4. Robert Einhorn, “Egypt: Frustrated but Still on a Non-Nuclear Course,” in Kurt Campbell, Robert Einhorn, and Mitchell Reiss, eds., The Nuclear Tipping Point (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2004), 43–82
5. Maria Post Rublee, Nonproliferation Norms (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2009), 110.