1. Summer Sovereign Holidays 1972, 1. The author is grateful to Paul Smith at the Thomas Cook Archives for his help and for access to the archives, and to Carolyn Pedwell, Connie Steel and Felix Schulz for their comments on an earlier draft of this chapter.
2. L. Turner and J. Ash (1975) The Golden Hordes: International Tourism and the Pleasure Periphery (London: Constable), p. 12.
3. M. Klemm and L. Parkinson (2001) ‘UK Tour Operator Strategies: Causes and Consequences’, International Journal of Tourism Research, 3, 367–75.
4. D. MacCannell (1976) The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class (New York: Schocken), p. 9.
5. J. Urry (1992) ‘The Tourist Gaze “Revisited” ’, American Behavioral Scientist, 36:2, 172–186, 177.