1. R. Kelley, Race Rebels (New York: The Free Press, 1994), p 9.
2. R. Desai, Rural Sociology in India (Mumbai: Popular Prakashan Ltd, 1969), pp. 411–415.
3. A number of excellent studies of the connections between Indian anticolonialists and African Americans, and especially Du Bois, have appeared recently. See especially Gerald Horne, The End of Empires: African Americans and India (Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2008); Nico Slate, Coloured Cosmopolitanism (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012). Slate’s work acknowledges the sometimes contradictory results of transnational anti-colonial solidarity movements that on occasion both constructed bonds of unity across race, class, and geographical experience, and augmented traditional conceptions of race, class, and gender.
4. For information on Chris Jones, see Christian Hogsbjerg, Mariner, Renegade and Castaway: Chris Braithwaite (London: Redwords, 2013).
5. Padmore, ‘Attlee’s Sister Condemns Smuts Govt’, Ashanti Pioneer, 4 July 1947.