

Boesten Jelke


Palgrave Macmillan US

Reference40 articles.

1. Informe Psicológico 6798/6803 cited in APRODEH 13/2002, Resolución varios No 238–2010-MP-1raFPP-Abancay. Research carried out by Paula Escribens also shows that many women who had children as a result of rape had negative experiences of maternity, also in relation to children conceived consensually after the war. See Paula Escribens, Afectación del Proyecto de Vida de Mujeres Víctimas de Violencia Sexual durante el Conflicto Armado Interno (Thesis. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, 2011).

2. See Carlos Ivan Degregori, El surgimiento de Sendero Luminoso: Ayacucho, 1969–1979 (Lima: IEP Ediciones, 1990).

3. See Carlos Ivan Degregori, Elecciones 1990: Demonios y redentores en el nuevo Perú , una tragedia en dos vueltas (Lima: IEP Ediciones, 1991); Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Peru, Final Report (Lima, 2003) [hereinafter “TRC Report”].

4. On the political processes around the early years of military incursion in the Andes, see Dirk Kruijt, “Exercises in State Terrorism: The Counterinsurgency Campaigns in Guatemala and Peru,” in Societies of Fear. The Legacy of Civil War, Violence and Terror in Latin America, ed. Kees Koonings and Dirk Kruijt (London: Zed Books, 1999), 33–62.

5. On politics and military strategy: TRC Report, Vol. III, Chap. 1.3; Eduardo Toche Medrano, Guerra y democracia. Los militares Peruanos y la construcción nacional (Lima: DESCO, CLACSO, 2008).







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