1. Timothy E. Quill, Physician-Assisted Death in The United States: Are the Existing ‘Last Resorts’ Enough?, 38 HASTINGS CENTER RPT. 17, 21 (Sept.–Oct. 2008).
2. PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL ON BIOETHICS, TAKING CARE: ETHICAL CAREGIVING IN OUR AGING SOCIETY2i7 (2005). See Charles Ornstein, Deciding when to let Mom die, WASH. POST, Mar. 3, 2013, at B1 (concluding that the standard of best possible care should not always mean keeping people alive or undertaking the most aggressive cancer chemotherapy). See also THOMASMA and GRABER, supra Ch. 1, note 70 at 192 passim; PELLEGRINO and THOMASMA, supra Ch. 1, note 70 at Chs. 2, 5.
3. See MICHAEL ROSEN, DIGNITY: ITS HISTORY AND MEANING (2012); Rex D. Glensy, The Right to Dignity, 43 COLUM. HUM. RTS. L. REV. 65 (2011); Death with Dignity National Center supra Ch. 2, note 40.
4. See Ch. 3, supra notes 80–91 and accompanying text; Knauer, supra Ch. 1, note 8. See also Barry R. Furrow, Pain Management and Provider Liability: No More Excuses, 29 J. L. MED. and ETHICS 28 (2001).
5. See e.g., Ch. 4, supra notes 89–90. See Susan L. Mitchell et al., The Clinical Course of Advanced Dementia, 361 NEW ENG. J. MED. 1529–1535 (Oct. 15, 2009).