1. Gøsta Esping-Andersen, ‘After the Golden Age?’ Gøsta Esping-Andersen, ed., Welfare States in Transition: National Adaptations in Global Economies ( London: Sage Publications, 1998 ), pp. 2–3.
2. Mark Bray and David Neilson, ‘Industrial Relations Reform and the Relative Autonomy of the State’, Francis Castles, Rolf Gerritsen and Jack Vowles, eds., The Great Experiment: Labour Parties and Public Policy Transformation in Australia and New Zealand ( Wellington: Allen & Unwin, 1996 ), pp. 81–82.
3. Paul Anderson and Nyta Mann, Safety First: The Making of New Labour ( London: Granta Books, 1997 ), pp. 183–184.
4. Vivien A. Schmidt, ‘The Role of Values and Discourse in Welfare State Reform: The Politics of Successful Adjustment’, Paper Prepared for Delivery at the Council for European Studies Conference (Chicago, March 30–April 2, 2000 ), p. 14.
5. Francis Castles, Rolf Gerritsen, and Jack Vowles, ‘Introduction: Setting the Scene for Economic and Political Change’, Francis Castles, Rolf Gerritsen, and Jack Vowles, eds., The Great Experiment: Labour Parties and Public Policy Transformation in Australia and New Zealand ( Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1996 ), pp. 16–17.