1. Agamben, Giorgio. The Coming Community. Translated by Michael Hardt. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 1993: 26.
2. Agamben, Giorgio. “Special Being.” In Profanations. Translated by Jeff Fort. New York: Zone Books, 2007.
3. Arendt, Hannah. The Origins of Totalitarianism. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1951.
4. Benhabib, Seyla. Transformations of Citizenship. Dilemmas of the Nation State in the Era of Globalization. Amsterdam: Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV, 2001.
5. Bernardet, Jean-Claude. “Documentários de busca: 33 e Passaporte húngaro.” in O cinema do real, Amir Labaki and Maria Dora Mourão. Sao Paulo: Cosac e Naify, 2005.