1. For more specific information on lax implementation and enforcement, see Congressional-Executive on China Annual Reports, 2010, 154; 2011, 147; and 2012, 114–115; Abigail Jahiel, “Policy Implementation through Organizational Learning: The Case of Water Pollution Control in China’s Reforming Socialist System,” PhD Dissertation (The University of Michigan, 1994), 33–52; Wang Jin and Yan Houfu, “Barriers and Solutions to Better Environmental Enforcement in China,” Ninth International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Proceedings, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, June 20–24, 2011, 494 http://inece.org /conference/9/proceedings/56_WangYan.pdf; OECD, Environmental Compliance and Enforcement in China: An Assessment of Current Practices and Steps Forward: An Assessment of Current Practices and Ways Forward, draft report presented at the 2nd meeting of the Asian Environment Compliance and Enforcement Network, December 4–6, 2006, 5. http://www.oecd.org /environment/outreach/37867511. pdf;
2. Carlos Wing-Hung Lo, Gerald E. Fryxell and Wilson Wai-Ho Wang, “Effective Regulations with Little Effect? The Antecedents of the Perceptions of Environmental Officials on Enforcement Effectiveness in China,” Environmental Management, Vol. 38, No. 3 (2006): 388, 389, via Springer Link, http://link.springer.com /article/10.1007%2Fs00267–005–0075–8?LI=true; Carlos Wing Hung Lo and Sai Wing Leung, “Environmental Agency and Public Opinion in Guangzhou: The Limits of a Popular Approach to Environmental Governance,” The China Quarterly, No. 163 (September 2000):677–704, http://links.jstor.org /sici?sici=0305–7410 %28200009%290%3A163%3C677%3AEPOI%3E2.0.CO%3B2-L.
3. Anna Brettell, “The Politics of Public Participation and the Emergence of Environmental Proto-Movements in China,” PhD Dissertation (University of Maryland, 2003), 25, http://drum.lib.umd.edu /bitstream/1903/70/2/dissertation.pdf;
4. Policy Research Working Paper 2756;H Wang,2002
5. Benjamin van Rooij, “Implementation of Chinese Environmental Law: Regular Enforcement and Political Campaigns,” Development and Change, Vol. 37, No. 1 (2006): 57, https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl /bitstream/handle/1887/ 12533/artdandcFinalPubversion.pdf?sequence=2;