1. Michel de Montaigne, The Essays of Montaigne, vol. 2, trans. Charles Cotton, ed. William Carew Hazlitt (London: Reeves and Turner, 1877), 463.
2. Alan Sinfield, Faultlines: Cultural Materialism and the Politics of Dissident Reading (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992), 163.
3. Maurice Merleau-Ponty, The Primacy of Perception: and Other Essays on Phenomenological Psychology, the Philosophy of Art, History, and Politics, ed. James M. Edie (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1964), 3–4.
4. Bruce R. Smith, “Premodern Sexualities,” PMLA 115.3 (2000): 318–329.
5. Bruce R. Smith, “Hearing Green: Logomarginality in Hamlet,” EMLS] 7.1 (2001): 1–2.