1. G.M. Trevelyan, ‘Englishmen and Italians. Some aspects of their relations past and present’, in Proceedings of the British Academy. London, 1919, p. 91.
2. Ibid. See R. Davenport-Hines, ‘Russell, Odo William Leopold, first Baron Ampthill (1829–1884)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford, 2004;online edn, Jan 2008 [
/view/article/24332, accessed 22 August 2013].
3. P. Cullen, Letter to the clergy and laity of the Diocese of Dublin on some recent instances of bigotry and intolerance. Dublin, 1859, cit. in Bowen, Paul Cardinal Cullen and the shaping of modern Irish Catholicism, p. 198.
4. E. Larkin, ‘Economic growth, capital investment and the Roman Catholic Church in nineteenth century Ireland’, American Historical Review, 72 (1966–1967), p. 866.
5. Odo Russell to Lord John Russell, in Blakiston, The Roman Question, p. 44 — 30 July 1859. Giacomo Antonelli was Secretary of State from 1848 to 1876. During his tenure as the Vatican’s ‘Prime Minister’, Antonelli played a leading and greatly influential role as diplomatic agent in Italy, Europe, and the world.