1. See, for example, H. A. R. Gibb and Harold Bowen, Islamic Society and the West, Vol. 1, part II. London: Oxford University Press, 1957
2. Ismail H. Uzunçarşili, Osmanli Devletinin İlmiye Teşkilati, 3rd edition, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1988
3. R. C. Repp, The Mufti of Istanbul, London: Ithaca Press, 1986
4. Ali Uğur, The Ottoman Ulema in the Mid-17th Century, Berlin: K. Schwarz, 1986
5. Abdurrahman Atcil, “The Route to the Top in the Ottoman İlmiye Hierarchy of the Sixteenth Century”, BSOAS, 72/3 (2009), pp. 489–512.