1. Travelling Light, directed by Kathryn Millard (2003; Sydney: Magna Pacific, 2003), DVD.
2. For a discussion of protagonists in classic Hollywood scripts versus those of independent film, see Ken Dancyger and Jeff Rush, Alternative Scriptwriting: Successfully Breaking the Rules (Burlington: Focal Press, 2007).
3. Abraham Maslow, Religion, Values, and Peak-Experiences (New York: Viking, 1970), p. 92.
4. J.J. Murphy, Me and You and Memento and Fargo: How Independent Screenplays Work (New York: Continuum, 2007), p. 266.
5. Ian Macdonald, ‘Disentangling the Screen Idea’, Journal of Media Practice 5, no. 2 (2004): pp. 89–100.